KTSYS, a Maroccan company specialized in the Labeling industry for 14 years, invests in second Lemorau Machine, this time a Lemorau EB 330.
Lemorau EB 330 is a die cutting machine, extremely efficient and precise. Built for high volume production of blank labels, it runs at max. speed 200m/min. EB 330 is able to produce roll to roll as well as roll to sheet labels.
The first sale to KTSYS, a Lemorau ICR3, was back in 2015, a lead generated from Labelexpo Europe 2013. KTSYS’ CEO said: ” Thanks to ICR3 inspection and finishing machine previously acquired from LEMORAU, our customers are very satisfied with the quality of our products. Increased responsiveness, good customer service, good product quality and, above all, the confidence placed in us, have made us invest again for more responsiveness and customer satisfaction.”